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My interpretation for Noil Assault Dreadnought.
The Noil were outlined in Ships of the Fleet book by Agents of Gaming (AoG) as a middleborn protected race of the Torvalus.
"The Noil are paranoid to the core, traded with Torvalus. The Noil are a wealthy race full of skilled craftspeople and artisans, and the Torvalus grew to consider them a supply colony, using them to provide raw materials for Torvalus."
The Noil were described in Mongoose book "Deconstruction of Falling Stars" "Ancient Echoes" as Torvalus servant race. The Noil are assumed to be extinct for centuties, but as they had access to invisibility based on hyperspace-folding and light-bending camouflage, it is a question as to if they are merely hiding.
"Being hiving insectoids, the Noil had a biological knack for building complex structures and fortifications. It was very easy for the super intelligent Torvalus to manipulate that strongpoint for their own use. Due to the Torvalus’s steering the Noil came to be a thriving civilisation with
several colonies on more than five systems."
"Towards the end of the Kirishiac war the Noil decided to take a stand for their survival, lest the Torvalus deploy them to extinction. The last three breeding queens gathered on a small world whose star was on the verge of collapse. They were going to make a fi nal stand against their ‘masters.’ The war ended prematurely and the Torvalus went beyond the rim with the other Ancients. The Noil never had to
actually revolt and chose to stay in the smallish system and keep to themselves. So they did—until their dying star finally collapsed and the planet froze in the void. That planet was Roth. The star that it revolved around went supernova before collapsing, swallowing the three other planets in the system and leaving Roth alone as a huge ball of snow and frozen oceans. During the five hundred years that the Noil lived happily on the once fertile planet they constructed three huge hive cities—one
for each of the breeding queens—that still stand as ruins in the Third Age. Each city once held over a billion of the hardworking arthropods. Then the star died and the planet froze completely within the next generation of hatchlings."
"Noil Nobles are large insectoid humanoids with russet exoskeletons as thick as any armour, fanning sensory crests behind triangular heads and three pairs of limbs that can act as arms or legs depending on the need. Soldiers replace the upper limbs with crushing pincers that can bisect a man at the waist with a gesture. Both have grinding mandibles designed to mash organic matter, plant or animal, into
a paste that their long digestive systems can take days to break down.
At their prime the Noil took pheromone-based commands from the queens, but since their passing the Noil are run by little more than instinct—surviving at any cost on their wayward planet."
Intended for FDM printing. Extrude thin parts and scale before printing.
Noil-Assault-Dreadnought-21_reduced.stl | 5.2MB |