The file 'Night Operators Max 2.0 Dovetail Bridge – V4 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 146.2KB.
This is a bridge for the Night Operators Max 2.0 that has a horizontal adjustment for your IPD and is made for a dovetail mount. It is modular so that if some pieces wear, you can easily replace them without re printing the entire fixture. This is a work in progress and will get better. This was designed for a knockoff of a Wilcox G24 mount.
It features a slot so that you can run the units mounted and charge them at the same time. it also has two small tabs on the mounts for cable management to bring the charging cables up to the bride.
I printed these using sunlu abs like resin. I have not tried printing this on an FDM printer yet. I plan on testing how it works with PLA+ and may have to adjust the model due to the tight tolerances. It works great resin printing, but layer lines may create some tightness issues with an FDM printer.
I will be creating a version that has articulating arms in the future. I will be improving this model so keep your eyes out for a version 3 if you run across this model. This is for the night operators max 2.0. I have not made any models for the Pro version as I do not own a set.
EDIT: Version 3 was never uploaded. Straight to Version 4. Version 4 is the current latest version. improved cable management, aesthetic, and function. EVERYTHING is slotted now so even if you don't have a bolt you can keep it together.
If you would like to see these in a video, the version 1 of the bridge is featured in my review of the Night Operators Max on YouTube if you search for "Night Operators Max 2.0 Review - Better Than Expected" by @NightTimePrinting.
I will be improving this design in future versions.
Dovetail.stl | 95.1KB | |
Night_Operators_Max_Bridge_4.stl | 150.6KB | |
Night_Operators_Max_Bridge_Connector_4.stl | 18.4KB | |
Night_Operators_Max_Mount_4.stl | 308.9KB |