Nespresso Basic Smooth Dispenser (stackable) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Nespresso Basic Smooth Dispenser (stackable) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 241.4KB.


This work is inspired on and various other good designs out there. I just wanted to design my own stackable version.

For a single non-stackable dispenser I prefer my other design here:

This is another Nespresso capsule dispenser. My personal idea was a smooth filleted dispenser that doesn't hurt your hands with sharp borders, except for this and the FreeCad sources it is very similar to other designs out there. Use the single version or if you want more than one use the stackable version. PLA or low warp material recommended (PET or PETG are the best for kitchen use, as they are food safe). Don't even try to print this on ABS unless you have an enclosed printer, as it is tall and the temperature difference from the low layers to the upper ones will be high and for sure it will break during printing. It doesn't require any support. (Update: Surprisingly it printed fine in ABS!!)

As usual FreeCAD sources included. Enjoy.

UPDATE (18-FEB-2016): Done as promised. Socket have also been sized down to increase structural strength of the stacked parts. New stacked version is NOT compatible with previous versions of JAN-2016. All .STLs and sources updated, re-rendered POV image.

UPDATE (08-FEB-2016): Updating sources. Fixing the "Capsule fountain" effect. Will post new design when I have the time to finish/print/test it.

UPDATE (05-FEB-2016): Found a bug in the dimensions of the capsule stopper. It didn't stop the capsules right when the capsule's box were full. Problem corrected, updated .STLs and FreeCAD sources. Shortened the stopper length and increased height. Now works well. Sorry. I did my proof with some capsules only and didn't notice what gravity force was whispering me... Well, at least problem corrected. Restarting production just now... One last thing, POV rendered images are not exactly based on the actual design, just to make an idea. Will upload updated rendered images when I have the time.

Single.stl 173.5KB
Stack_center.stl 180.4KB
Stack_left.stl 175.7KB
Stack_right.stl 176.3KB