NCR Ranger Helmet 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'NCR Ranger Helmet 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.9MB.


NCR Ranger helmet from Fallout: New Vegas.
Sculpted in blender. Everything should fit together pretty well, however this build gets very difficult when you try to wire in electronics. I used LED strips from amazon, flashlight parts from Dollar Tree, and a 12v battery to power them. I also used a 3M respirator part i found here on thingiverse, a 1/4 inch hose barb and hose, plexiglass + transparent red tint for the outer lenses and plexiglass + reflective red tint for the inner lenses, memory foam for padding, and lots of hot glue and spare PLA.


respirator filter:

I did not design the amplifier on the front of the mask, and unfortunately I can't find it here at this time but credit to them.

If anyone redesigns the sidebox to make wiring easier please let me know :)

antenna.stl 1.7MB
framesredo3.stl 34.7KB
helmspacers.stl 1.8MB
inner_lense_2.stl 1.7MB
maskspacers.stl 3.0MB
sidebox3.stl 398.6KB