Nail Polish Rack (Parametric) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,amf,FCStd
Download type: zip

The file 'Nail Polish Rack (Parametric) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,amf,FCStd) file type, size is 197.1KB.


A little rack/stand for nail polish bottles, I designed in FreeCAD
The model is parametric. The number of levels is fixed, but they can be tweaked:

ParameterCurrent ValueUnitComment
Pocket Depth40mmHow deep are the levels
Pocket Height40mmDistance between the floors of the levels
Wall Thickness3mmThickness of all walls
Slant Angle10degreeThe angle of the floors
Curb Height10mmHeight of the front wall of each level
Width181mmOverall width of the model

Changing a parameter sometimes breaks the sketch for the side wall, because the recompute causes two of the lines to cross. This can be changed manually by deleting some of the constraints, fixing the lines and placing new constraints. Not sure if this is a bug in FreeCAD or I am doing it wrong.

NailPolishRack-2mm-wall.stl 67.5KB
NailPolishRack-3mm-wall.amf 15.5KB
NailPolishRack-3mm-wall.stl 67.5KB
NailPolishRack.FCStd 155.3KB