N64 Controller Stand 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'N64 Controller Stand 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 45.9KB.


Remixed The Controller Stand from ericodeoliveira (Which was originally a conversion of another design for laser cutters) combined with the wall mount from roeders1


  • The cord loops up the stand now extend the entire length. You now have enough room to wrap the entire wire and tuck in the plug neatly for a cleaner look (Don't wrap too tight or you wont be able to wrap the whole wire)
  • Changed the part that clicks into the controller completely. Now it clicks in firmly and the controller can be picked up and inspected without the whole thing falling apart. Old design just sat inside the controller loosely so if somebody grabbed the controller off a shelf to look at it, the holder would fall out and your cord would unravel
  • Shrunk insertion pegs so snapping it together is way easier now.
  • Removed the top brace part since the new topmost part that slides into the controller acts as a structural base
  • Triangle count reduced. Previous model was geared towards being a 3d model and not for printing and editing

Only 3 parts here and you'll need to print 2 copies of part 3 (The leg) to construct the whole stand (Which is 4 pieces)

Print with supports, as there is a tiny support line needed for the shallow hole in Part 1 that the controller clicks into. You might be able to print it without supports tho, I dunno?

N64_Controller_Holder_Part_1.stl 62.8KB
N64_Controller_Holder_Part_2.stl 12.3KB
N64_Controller_Holder_Part_3.stl 82.5KB