These are the next version of my switch stands that I came out with a few years ago. These are slightly bigger and more robust. The targets fit easier together without a lot of clean up. You will still need to use a hobby knife and sanding sticks and files for some clean up however. You can model the arm of the new century and regular switch stand up or down.
They are best printed on a FDM printer with 0.4 or smaller nozzle and at layer height of 0.10 mm.
I made more options for the targets as you can see in the photos and the STLs.
Harp_Switch_Stand_v2_Complete.stl | 1.5MB | |
New_Cent_Switch_Stand_v2_Complete.stl | 1.5MB | |
Switch_Stand_N_BasicTarget.stl | 143.1KB | |
Switch_Stand_N_Targets.stl | 2.0MB | |
Switch_Stand_N_v3.stl | 1.7MB | |
Switch_Stand_N_v3_Complete.stl | 669.9KB |