N Scale Sawmill Bandsaw Blade Sharpening Station… 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
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This is a N scale sawmill bandsaw sharpening station that I loosely modeled off the one at the Hull-Oakes mill from pictures and the video ( HERE ). This is the smallest design I've done so far and the print is tricky to support and hard to remove the supports without breaking anything. Also hard to get the last small pieces of the resin supports off the print. Again I used an AnyCubic Photon M3 ($200) printer and Siraya Tech 'Build' Sonic Gray resin. The resin gives good detail, is strong and the blade has flex to it.  More info here and links to other sawmill related prints....


You can find other 3D printable parts for your layout here....


1000_Bandsaw_Table-19.stl 1.3MB