Multiroom Version For Raspberry Pi & HiFiBerry – Back Horn Speaker 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: STL
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The file 'Multiroom Version For Raspberry Pi & HiFiBerry – Back Horn Speaker 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 3.7MB.


I redesigned the Back Horn Speaker and added the following features:

  • space and hole pattern for Raspberry Pi (3, 4, zero) an HifiBerry (amp, amp2, clone, amp, miniamp)
  • metal ensat (optional) so you have a clean look a can mount transparent side panels
  • option to mount the speakers together ("stereo")
  • hole pattern for VESA 75 mount
  • back panel, so you can reach the PCB'S without touching the side panels
  • added a hole for the speaker cable
  • added side panels for printing with less material for lazy people ;)

all holes are optional and hidden and 2 layers. you can open it with a simple chamfer tool or drill.

there will be a "not so fancy" simpler version without ensat.

upload the files without testing it. I will update the message when i tested it. so you try it on your own risk. ;)

V1_Deckel_Vistron_backloaded_horn_fuer_Raspi_mit_ensat_.STL 1.9MB
V1_seitenteil_gedruckt_Vistron_backloaded_horn_fuer_Raspi_mit_ensat_.STL 1.8MB
Vistron_backloaded_horn_fuer_Raspi_mit_ensat_.STL 7.6MB