MSA Galaxy GX2 Cal Station End Caps 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: gcode,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'MSA Galaxy GX2 Cal Station End Caps 3D Printer Model' is (gcode,stl) file type, size is 2.9MB.


These are dust caps that will fit on the MSA Galaxy GX2 Calibration Stand. To use the left cap, you need to put the filter directly into the top gas port after trimming off the oustside hose barb - or drill your own hole for the tube.

Left_Cap_for_GX2_-_PLA_Ender_3_S1_Pro.gcode 5.3MB
MSA_Galaxy_GX2_Cal_Station_Left_End_Cap.stl 81.0KB
MSA_Galaxy_GX2_Cal_Station_Right_End_Cap.stl 66.1KB
Right_Cap_for_GX2_-_PLA_Ender_3_S1_Pro.gcode 3.6MB