This is a Robotic Duck, that my daughter Anna built - using my meccano expansion parts.
This is from a set of Struts that I composed. These are 3D shaped , in contrast to the Meccano Parts that are 2D in that they are Flat / paper-like based. They are still compatible with the Meccano and Motor Converter Parts that I posted here on other Pages.
Parts included are: Motor Gear Mounts, Motor Mounting Sleeves, Jaws, ClawNails, Feet, Curves, etc.
An assortment of Functional Models are listed via Images above.
These are compatible with the Meccano and Motor Parts (as mentioned earlier) , including:
Meccano Base Parts Plates Struts Angles ,Geared MOTORs to Meccano and Lego Conversion - Kit Parts
for additional parts.
Gear16T_GRJNTXY_24x20x14_010d_.stl | 68.1KB | |
Gear16T_MTRMNT_hols_bk_28x26x20_008c.stl | 75.1KB | |
Gear16T_MTRMNT_hols_fr_28x24x20_007b.stl | 59.2KB | |
M1_CYLQUART_lg_4x4x1_5x40x9_p029a.stl | 109.7KB | |
M1_PLATE_4x4x0_40x40x2_p033a.stl | 42.2KB | |
M1_Strip_2x2x0_20x20x2_p035a.stl | 13.9KB | |
M1_TUBE_med_4x1x1_44x9x9_p019a.stl | 47.1KB | |
S9_LEGmntC_std_sh_2x2x4_20x20x40_p044a.stl | 67.1KB |