A motorized version of Emmetts' Cube Gears.
I built it (Emmett's that is) and was showing it around work. One of my favorite collaborators (Brian C.) and I were discussing motorizing it. I had visions of a tiny motor in the center, and was fussing over battery size, etc. when Brian suggested blowing a hole through one of the big corners and connecting a drive shaft to the center to an external motor. A quick look on Ebay found a motor, and when it came in the mail I started in on the design. I designed the parts in Alibre, sorry, OpenSCAD is a very impressive tool, but I am too CAD oriented). I did import the stl of the gear into Alibre. The zip file has the Alibre files and STEP AP203 exports as well.
bgear1_motorflange2.stl | 1.1MB | |
cubemotor_base.stl | 116.7KB | |
driveshaft.stl | 131.0KB | |
driveshaft_V2.AD_PRT | 357.5KB | |
driveshaft_V2.stl | 270.5KB | |
motorizedcubegears.zip | 1.9MB | |
motor_flange2.stl | 5.3MB |