Motherboard Support With PSU For Cpu Mining 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Motherboard Support With PSU For Cpu Mining 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 451.0B.


This design was NON-COMMERCIAL

This seems not clear enough for some so I had to add a lot of useless details in text to make it really uncomfortable to be sold by third party. DO NOT take the work of others given for free to sell it for profit as your own.

Since other people have taken my free design and are still selling it to this day making money over my work, well I too have bills to pay so I moved my design to Etsy. You can purchase the non commercial design here with a little less useless details and properly oriented for direct slicing :

Revision history :

LeftSupportV2 : for fitting ITX motherboard better, the left leg is a bit shorter since the ITX MB is the same with as the PSU.

RightSupportV2 AND GpuBracket : The gpu bracket still work with the right support V1, but the V2 have a notch in it to better use the latching added.

Also added another version of the GpuBracket that is the strongest I feel I could get to with this design idea.

placeholder.stl 3.1KB