Mosquito Net Roll For The Patient 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Mosquito Net Roll For The Patient 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 8.6MB.


Disclaimer: it's slow and not very practical. Not sure if it printable on any machine (worked fine on Bambu Lab X1). Resulting net is a bit brittle, but good enough to keep the wildlife outside.

Now, as you lowered your expectations:

  • Comes out as a continuous stripe up to several meters long!
  • It's rather rigid, so it's easy to put into a frame (see photos)
  • Model can be generated with precise dimensions you need
  • Prints fine with both PLA and PETG
  • Fabulous, insects of your neighborhood would be very impressed!

This is a part of my experiments with generating STL models via Python. See GitHub repo with source code here to generate a roll with dimensions you need:

I've included a small sample of a roll and a larger one.

No supports. Turning off brim recommended.

roll_1010x220.stl 32.3MB
roll_200x80.stl 1.4MB