Monster / Red Bull / Energy Drink Can Ice Bath Chiller 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
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The file 'Monster / Red Bull / Energy Drink Can Ice Bath Chiller 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 570.4KB.


If you like to enjoy your Monsters over the span of a few hours like I do, you need a way to keep them nice and cold. What's colder than an ice bath? (Nothing you want to stick a can of Monster into, wise guy.)

This keeps the ice out of the middle so you can actually take the can out and put it back without all the ice getting in the way. You're not shy about a few drips of water, right?

Fits both sizes of Monster cans, so I'm sure it'll fit pretty much anything else. There's a conservative fill line inside so you don't overflow.

That's about it! Enjoy!

Pop_can_ice_cooler_1.stl 2.0MB