After printing a couple of boxes from Termlimit I saw that the source from Sttrife included the SCAD file, so got about making some extra configurations to suit my needs.
Of small note... the groves along the outside are a little shorter than Termlimit's... I couldn't figure how to extend that from the SCAD configuration (how'd you do that dude? Were you using Tinkercad, or the SCAD?)... but the joining pieces still slot in and clip them together with plenty of rigidity.
As of July / August 2021 I'll be printing loads of these in more sizes as I re-jig my workspace, so more to come soon :).
If anybody want's a new configuration, gimme a shout and I'll plug them into the SCAD and export as STL for printing :).
BoxMiddleMiddle_1x2x1-ONE_DRAWERS.stl | 134.1KB | |
BoxMiddleMiddle_1x2x1-THREE_DRAWERS.stl | 255.1KB | |
BoxMiddleMiddle_1x2x1-TWO_DRAWERS.stl | 194.6KB | |
BoxMiddleMiddle_2x2x1-TWO_DRAWERS.stl | 194.3KB | |
Drawer_1x2x1-ONE_DRAWERS_-_2_compartments.stl | 168.4KB | |
Drawer_1x2x1-THREE_DRAWERS_-_4_compartments.stl | 273.0KB | |
Drawer_1x2x1-TWO_DRAWERS_-_1_compartments.stl | 113.3KB | |
Drawer_1x2x1-TWO_DRAWERS_-_2_compartments.stl | 169.2KB | |
Drawer_1x2x1-TWO_DRAWERS_-_4_compartments.stl | 272.8KB |