This is a very thin screw I created to fit a 25mm transparent PVC pipe inside the modular lightsaber.
Once printed you need to work sanding the inner part of the screw to fit the pipe. Its hard to get the screw on the tube but the results are totally worthy.
Once the blade is finished, you can add the tip piece.
To get a lightsaber light, you need to put inside a roll of transparent cellophane paper. It will help the light to achieve more distance over the blade.
I also added a small piece to get inside the hilt when the long blade is not mounted.
NOTE: This piece is created for the Z9ld modular lightsabers. Check Z9ld designs, he has great stuff.
Modular Lightsabers:
Check my other designs for lightsabers:
Real_saber_screw.stl | 4.2MB | |
Saber_miniblade.stl | 1.9MB | |
Saber_tip.stl | 304.9KB |