Modular Drip Irrigation System 3D Printer Model

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This is an entire 3D-Printed sprinkler system for use with off-the-shelf automated drip irrigation hardware.

I originally designed it for use with 3.5" seed starter containers, but if you really want to you can also use it for other things as well (it just might not fit so nicely).

Everything is designed to be press-fit together, and it'll work well if you have your printer really dialed in, but I would really just recommend using some 2-part epoxy to glue everything together. It's much easier.

For the tubing adapters, the hole might be too small for your printer to reproduce. If that's the case, you can easily drill it out with a 2mm or 1/16" drill bit.

The system uses 1/2" PVC pipe to connect multiple sets of drippers together. I chose that design because oversizing the distribution lines helps maintain more consistent flow across several sets of drippers that are hooked together.

There are small elbows and tees included for convenience, but they are not recommended. With the larger 1/2" distribution, this system has <5% flow rate variation across 3 rows of 6 sprinklers, which is a lot more consistent than most drip irrigation hardware.

If there are any pieces of hardware that are missing for your application, please leave a comment.

I know it would be nice to have some printed valves, but most plastic valve bodies use o-rings to seal properly. By the time you pop in an o-ring, it makes a lot more sense to buy a valve at the hardware store. They're not very expensive.
