A Raspberry Pi 0-based gaming handheld in an Altoids mint tin! Here are the printed parts for the most recent version of the mintyPi project, as seen on sudomod.com.
Full parts list can be found here on the sudomod wiki: https://www.sudomod.com/wiki/index.php?title=MintyPi
Build guide can be found here: https://www.sudomod.com/mintypi-updated-parts-and-software-guide/
If you need help with anything, feel free to stop by the forums: https://sudomod.com/forum
Feel free to buy me a coffee if you'd like to help out with future projects. ;)
base.stl | 343.6KB | |
bezel.stl | 847.1KB | |
drill_guide.stl | 49.7KB | |
faceplate.stl | 1.5MB | |
hinge.stl | 36.1KB | |
hinge_arm.stl | 51.7KB | |
screen_back.stl | 381.1KB |