The file '(minion) Ramps 1.4 For Mostly Printed Cnc Multitool 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.3MB.
UPDATE 18/04/17 Build photos added.
UPDATE 17/04/17 added retro fit drilling guide for those that printed before the 6 aviation connector cutouts were added.
UPDATE 21/08/16 added minion ramps aviation connectors main body STL.
These aviation connectors can be used to power your stepper motors and limit switches.
Please understand that space within the minion ramps enclosure is at a minimum so cable routing requires planning.
I would recommend trimming down your cables and dry fitting prior to soldering to ensure everything fits within the enclosure.
The LCD ribbon header connector should be fitted last to ensure you have enough room to nestle down your cables.
eBay item number for the connectors 371521004586
UPDATE 15/04/16 added list of files required for a complete assembly.
Please print out the following STL files
x1 Minion 2004 LCD 4mm deeper,the latest update.
x1 minion thumb wheel v4
x1 minion body hinge v3
x1 minion bottom v3
x1 minion LCD back v3
x1 minion body 40mm v4
UPDATE 07/12/15 Added 4mm in depth to the LCD frame to accommodate deeper ribbon connector plugs.
Update 27/10/15
It was requested that i make a version that can be used separately,with an LCD bracket for mounting onto 3d printer enclosures.
Minion ramps is now a two part design with more flexible placement options.
Added minion body with solid top.
Added minion solid LCD frame.
Added minion solid LCD back including mounting bracket plate.
Articulated mounting arm to follow shortly.
An enclosure for ramps 1.4 and LCD display.
This enclosure will accommodate a Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 + LCD 12864 -C
Remix supporting reprap 2004 smart controller can be found here,
Reprep xxl lcd frame can be found here,
minion Geeetech LCD can be found here,
This thing was designed from scratch while waiting for printed parts for the mostly printed CNC machine.
Its a work in progress and was born through necessity has i wanted something a bit different than what was currently available.
The intention is to keep all the electronics cool and protected whilst looking appealing/cute
Mounting brackets and folding lid hinge updates coming soon.
Many thanks go to Allted for your fantastic creation,truly inspiring.
Update 23/09/15
i just realized that i never took into account the add on header that connects the LCD ribbon cable to the ramps board,( thats what happens when you work without the actual hardware in your hands i guess.
Anyway files have been tweaked to sort this issue.
Update 23/09/15
Minion ramps REV 2.0 now available including SD card holder.
Size has been increased by 18mm to accommodate the LCD header connector
version 2.0 files have a more rounded profile and include an extension holder for the SD card socket.
I shall leave the old files up for possible remakes or customizations.
Update 27/09/15 all files updated to version 3.0
The lid hinge has been created,SD card holder has been modified.
And i now have the actual hardware for testing ,)
The lid requires a 2mm metal rod to hold the two halves together,or you could use a couple of paper clips.
Update 27/09/15
build photos added.
update 29/09/15
LCD frame,main body plus thumb wheel version 4 available ,now includes a recess for the potentiometer nut and washer.
Minion main body has had fan screw holes modified for 40mm distance between hole centers.
Stubby thumb wheel for control potentiometer added.
let me know how you get along with the files.
I recommend printing out all version 3 files except Minion main body and LCD frame you should now use version 4 for these files.
drill_guide_retro_fit.stl | 2.5MB | |
minion_2004_lcd_4mm_deeper.stl | 481.1KB | |
minion_2004_solid_lcd_4mm_deeper.stl | 480.1KB | |
minion_body_hinge_v_3.stl | 253.4KB | |
minion_body__40mm_v_4.stl | 466.6KB | |
minion_body__REV_2.0.stl | 312.1KB | |
minion_body__v_3.stl | 479.2KB | |
minion_bottom_1.0.stl | 87.0KB | |
minion_bottom_REV_2.0.stl | 83.7KB | |
minion_bottom_v_3.stl | 98.3KB | |
minion_lcd_back_1.0.stl | 128.4KB | |
minion_lcd_back_REV_2.0.stl | 114.3KB | |
minion_lcd_back_v_3.stl | 237.7KB | |
minion_lcd_frame_1.0.stl | 369.5KB | |
minion_lcd_frame_12mm_nut_v_4.stl | 485.5KB | |
minion_lcd_frame_REV_2.0.stl | 490.4KB | |
minion_lcd_frame_v_3.stl | 472.3KB | |
minion_ramps_aviation_connectors.stl | 509.7KB | |
minion_sd_card_REV_2.0.stl | 39.3KB | |
minion_sd_card_v_3.stl | 37.8KB | |
minion_solid_lcd_back_mount.stl | 122.2KB | |
minion_solid_lcd_frame.stl | 479.8KB | |
minion_solid_top_body.stl | 363.4KB | |
minion_thumb_wheel_v_4.stl | 180.6KB | |
minion__body_1.0.stl | 288.7KB |