The file 'Miniature Queen Anne Sofa 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.1 MB.
A 1:24 Queen Anne Sofa to match the rest of the parlor set. Three sizes provided. These sofas are scale reproductions of 78", 66" and 54" sofas.
Building a Makerbot Playset? Scale the sofas up by a factor of 1.5 to get them into 1:18 scale.
Cabriole_BackLeg_10.stl |
Cabriole_CenterFrontLeg_10.stl |
Cabriole_FrontLeg_10.stl |
QA_Sofa_54.stl |
QA_Sofa_54_printplate.stl |
QA_Sofa_66.stl |
QA_Sofa_66_printplate.stl |
QA_Sofa_78.stl |
QA_Sofa_78_printplate.stl |