The file 'Miniature Doctor Set 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 1.6 MB.
Feeling under the weather? Got some bumps and bruises? No need to fret! The doctor can patch you right up.
This little doctor kit features:
The otoscope and reflex hammer heads fit onto the multi-use handle (and peg). Print a handle and peg for each tool head you're going to use. For example if you want both the reflex hammer and the otoscope, you'll need to print two handles and two handle pegs.
The connections on the stethoscope pieces and the soap bottle pump are design to fit and hold 1.75mm filament. Depending on your printer these connections may be a bit loose or a bit tight. A bit of glue or a tiny bit of sanding might be needed to help the pieces fit together.
While designed to use as little supports as possible, supports are strongly recommended for the soap bottle pump, handle, and stethoscope earpiece. Good bed adhesion or a brim/raft is recommended for the stethoscope earpiece and thermometer. Additionally the clipboard clip will be loose without paper on the clipboard.
Take care and happy crafting, friends!
Clipboard.stl |
Clipboard_Clip.stl |
Hammer_Head.stl |
Handle.stl |
Handle_Peg.stl |
Otoscope_Head.stl |
Plunger.stl |
Round_Bowl.stl |
Short_Bandage_Roll.stl |
Soap_Bottle.stl |
Soap_Pump.stl |
Square_Container.stl |
Steth_Connector.stl |
Steth_Earpiece.stl |
Steth_Head.stl |
Syringe.stl |
Tablet_Bottle.stl |
Tablet_Bottle_Lid.stl |
Tall_Bandage_Roll.stl |
Thermometer.stl |
Tongue_Depressor.stl |
Tool_Caddy.stl |