A small desktop server rack that's built around the TP-Link TLSG108 network switch.
Includes an 8 port RJ45 patch panel, switch panel, and a raspberry pi (~3) panel.
Most dimensions were based on a standardized server rack, with the exception of the width (to accommodate the size of the switch). I included the step file so you can modify it as needed.
Designed to be printed on a bed that is 220x220mm or greater.
Outside dimensions = 194x194x210mm
MiniServerRack20211125.stp | 743.9KB | |
Panel_RaspberryPiTwoPis.stl | 882.8KB | |
Panel_TPLINK_TLSG108.stl | 294.7KB | |
PatchPanel.stl | 363.4KB | |
RackBody.stl | 1.4MB | |
SidePlate.stl | 343.8KB | |
wireOrganizerPlate.stl | 665.9KB |