droger's adaptation of andromeda's quadruped is awesome! I was planning on making my own design months ago. Life got in the way for a while, and BOOM, someone saved me a ton of time! A heartfelt thank you for that :)
Small problem though - the original design didn't fit the cheap 9G micro servos that I had on hand.
So I spent a smaller amount of time optimizing the design to fit the servos I (and a lot of other people might) have in stock.
I zipped up the OpenSCAD versions of the parts in case you need to tweak them to fit your servos or printer tolerances.
NOTE: what's shown in the picture are some mid-prototype parts. The finals are actually nicer with rounded corners and whatnot. Fancy!
UPDATE UPDATE: I cleaned up the OpenSCAD files in the zip package. I know some of you have servos with slightly different dimensions. The new scads should be parametric so that you can tweak a few dimensions to get parts that will fit your servos!
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: the parametrics now support different servo horn dimensions!
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: I've included a beta version of the design intended for those that have the Tower Pro version of the blue servo, based on communicated measurements. No guarantees: I do not have one of these servos to test the fit. I do have some on order, but it could be a couple weeks before they arrive. The beta STLs are available in the zipped archive named case_qp_tower_stls-beta.zip .
backbone.stl |
case_qp_scads-parametric.zip |
case_qp_tower_stls-beta.zip |
chopstick_quadruped_b1.ino |
hip.stl |
leg.stl |
plate.scad |
plate_generic.stl |
plate_tower.stl |
quadruped_eagle_files.zip |
servo_button.stl |
shoulder.stl |