If you like 3D printing, then put a ring on it. Put an SD ring on it.
Holding a micro SD RAM card, the other day, I noticed it was about the same size as the face of my ring. It was pretty easy then to stick an SD slot onto the top of a ring I quickly designed in the shape of the one I've worn for a long time.
The 21mm version (medium) fits the middle finger of my manly man hands. I have also created a small (16mm) one and a big beefy(25mm) version. (see later note below regarding other sizes) The small one is just a bit too small for my pinky, so prob would work for some ladies or kids. Big and beefy is suitable for monsters, all-star wrestlers and professional phone-book rippers.
I've used a little 'tension bump' in the card slot to keep a good hold on the SD card. Depending on your printer, slicer and such, you may have different results, but for me the card is held nicely secure, without being hard to extract.
Given the shape, you'll need some supports. My results are pretty good with just supports down to the build plate, and a raft, but see what works for you.
Note that all microSD cards are not equal. A fraction of a mm makes a difference. One of the ones I have is a bit snug in a ring that fits another perfectly. If yours is like that, a bit of sand-paper on the 'tension-bump' of the ring will compensate a bit.
Great printable gift for that geek that has everything, yet still carries his SD card in his pocket. Please share your result pics! Would like to see what it looks like in other colours than the white and grey PLA that I've got.
Extra Bonus
If you don't have a microSD handy, but still want to try the ring. Included is an STL file for an insert the shape of a microSD but with a stylish, hemisphere on it. It will slide into the ring and you can wear it purely as a fashion statement. Or edit the STL file to make it your initial or a heart or some other thing. :)
The ring has been a popular make since I shared it. It's also been invaluable for me as an everyday-use thing. I'm often transporting a microSD around as I run around my house. But showing my ring to others, often it doesn't fit their fingers. If you RESIZE the ring for your finger, remember you can only resize the ring part - not the data card holder piece, 'cuz that needs to stay the same.
Put a ring that fits you nicely onto a ruler and measure in mm the inner size of that good ring. Let me know in comments if you'd like me to add another size that works better for you. Won't necessarily be ready quickly, but I'll try to add them as requested.
Size Updates
Added a few more sizes for fingers close to 17.0mm, 17.7mm, 18.6mm or 19.5mm.
The originals are: small: 16.8mm; medium 21.0; beefy 25.6.
RamRing_v2b_beefy.stl | 68.0KB | |
RamRing_v2b_medium.stl | 68.0KB | |
RamRing_v2b_small.stl | 68.4KB | |
SDring_ballinsert.stl | 45.6KB | |
SD_v4_17.7.stl | 74.9KB | |
SD_v4_18.6.stl | 74.9KB | |
SD_v4_19.5.stl | 74.9KB | |
SD_v5_17.0.stl | 77.0KB |