This is a micro snowcat I've designed that runs on two N20 gearmotors, a couple cheap brushed ESCs and a 2s 500mAh lipo. It's loosely based on the Bombardier BR400 with some artistic license taken to make printing with FDM easier in this scale. I also added a simple bogey-type suspension supported by mechanical pencil springs to help it traverse rough terrain a bit better. This is more of a "scale model" that requires some patience to assemble especially considering the track links are individual and many of the parts are quite small. Utilizing worm-gears for the main drive gives this model a lot of torque and a very scale speed (i.e. slow), coupled with the 500mAh lipo puts out run times near 15-20 minutes.
Size is about 125mm long x 130mm wide (track width) x 80mm high (to top of body).
Here's the BOM, parts with links are where I sourced mine, the other parts I found locally but could easily be found on Ebay or Amazon.
Parts List:
6v 600RPM N20 Gearmotors w/3x10mm shaft (x2)
10A 2s Compatible Brushed ESCs (x2)
0.5 Mod 1:10 Worm Shaft and 20 tooth Worm Gear (x2 sets) (Of all the parts these are the hardest to come by, this is the cheapest I could find them)
4x4x11mm Ball Bearings (x4)
4mm (5/32") Brass Rod (x2 40mm long pieces)
4mm (5/32") Bore Copper or Brass Shim Washers (x2-4 depending on thickness and tolerances of parts) (These aren't completely necessary but helps to reduce endplay on the driveshafts and properly align the worm gears)
8x2mm Disk Neodymium Magnets (x4)
5/32" ID Shaft Collars (x2) (OD is 5/16")
M1.7x8mm Screws (x18)
M1.5x5mm Screws (x3)
Satin Sewing Pins (Size 17, should have a .7mm dia. shaft) Trim to 24mm and 16mm lengths (x86 of each length)
Mechanical Pencil Springs (x4) (Ball-point pen springs might work but are much bigger in diameter and may interfere with the suspension arms and/or tracks)
Micro Receiver (x1) (I used an AR6100e for my Spektrum Transmitter)
35_Snowcat_Left_Track_Link_Set_of_10.stl | 1.8MB | |
35_Snowcat_Left_Track_Link_Single.stl | 183.3KB | |
35_Snowcat_Right_Track_Link_Set_of_10.stl | 1.8MB | |
35_Snowcat_Right_Track_Link_Single.stl | 183.3KB | |
Body.stl | 429.2KB | |
Chassis.stl | 749.1KB | |
Idler_Wheel.stl | 41.5KB | |
Idler_Wheel_Tire.stl | 220.0KB | |
Motor_Bracket.stl | 20.9KB | |
Railing.stl | 7.3KB | |
Rear_Deck_Cover_Narrow.stl | 56.0KB | |
Rear_Deck_Cover_Wide_for_Railing.stl | 64.7KB | |
Roadwheel.stl | 64.9KB | |
Roadwheel_Tire.stl | 171.6KB | |
Sprockets.stl | 300.3KB | |
Suspension_Arms_x2.stl | 328.6KB | |
Window_Inlays.stl | 235.4KB |