Meteor75pro Batteryholder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: STEP,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Meteor75pro Batteryholder 3D Printer Model' is (STEP,STL) file type, size is 23.1KB.


Ich hatte Probleme, andere Lipos für meinen Meteor75pro zu verwenden. Also habe ich den Originalhalter entfernt und einen neuen aus TPU gedruckt.

I had problems using other Lipos for my Meteor75pro. So i removed the original holder and printed a new one from TPU.

Now i can use different Lipos with this Frame:

                    Flywoo 750mAh, GNB 660mAh, GNB 850mAh, Lava 550mAh...
Meteor75Pro.STEP 119.2KB
Meteor75Pro.STL 38.2KB