Meshlicious Top Fan Bracket 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl
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The file 'Meshlicious Top Fan Bracket 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 578.1KB.


I was looking at solutions to provide extra cooling for my Meshlicious Case. I have a very tall GPU so putting a larger fan at the top was not an option for me.

This support can accommodate up to 3 x Noctua NF- A4x10 Fans to keep your machine cool.

I also added support for a fan splitter that can support up to 5 fans that you can find here. Please note, this is not an affiliate link!

I've not benchmarked but this has reduced temps by about 10 Degrees for me. I run this in conjunction with another exhaust I printed from SSDetva

Happy printing!

Fan_Bracket.stl 952.0KB
Fan_Bracket_with_cable_tie_slots.stl 1.9MB