MeCreator2 Hotend Nozzle Fan Duct 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'MeCreator2 Hotend Nozzle Fan Duct 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 476.4KB.


I had the need of an additional Nozzle Fan for PLA printing and TPU printing (slow small spikes) and remixed a cooler addon using ThinkerCad and Google Sketchup.

I also added a Plate for mounting your standard radial Fan front of the printhead using the 2 Screws from the both bearings of the X Axis. Didn't add any holes for the Fan himself, because i wanted to keep it compatible as possible for other fans.

Any Suggestions welcome.

Update 19.9.2016:

Adjusted the length of the Nozzle Cooler a bit. Now fits gently.

Update 24.10.2016:

Added another Nozzle cooler, who also cools the coldend ;)

fVIw6O2Yuyo_5.stl 1.4MB
jazHFCTw1HW_3.stl 71.3KB
Nozzle_Cooler.stl 1.1MB