The file 'Marvel Champions Card Organizer Tray Compatible With Dividers Central Dividers And Dragon Shield Sleeves 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 9.5KB.
This is a very slight remix of the "Marvel Champions - Organizer" by SlappyWhite, particularly, the smaller core card tray.
It's adjusted to be compatible with printed horizontal dividers by Dividers Central, those are about 93.9mm long and should fit in here perfectly, along with cards sleeved in Dragon Shields. The wall width is kept at 1.6mm.
Main changes:
This tray is also fully compatible with the rest of SlappyWhite's Organizer for Marvel Champions. The containers for tokens and dials will have to be moved to the side.
Marvel_Champions_Card_Tray_Compatible_with_Dividers_Central.stl | 53.4KB |