Mamiya RZ67 Lens Adapter To Helical Telescope Focuser 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
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The file 'Mamiya RZ67 Lens Adapter To Helical Telescope Focuser 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 5.0MB.


A mix of and to adapt RZ lenses for telescope use.

Us the Hadley focuser options project above to print the threaded tube, rings and nut of choice

Dew_Shield.stl 7.7MB
Hadley_2in_ecosystem_-_NRF_-_Collet_2in.stl 470.1KB
Hadley_2in_ecosystem_-_NRF_-_Collet_Nut_knurled_-_0.2mm_clearance.stl 3.1MB
Hadley_2in_ecosystem_-_NRF_-_Drawtube_loose_short.stl 852.6KB
Hadley_2in_ecosystem_-_NRF_-_Nut_knurled_-_0.2mm_clearance.stl 3.0MB
Hadley_2in_ecosystem_-_NRF_-_Retaining_Ring_0.3mm_clearance.stl 3.3MB
lense_mount.stl 2.6MB
Mamiya_Adapter_pentax.stl 1.2MB
shield_ring.stl 3.3MB