Supposed to be the crown that is used by the president Loki.
Scaling should be close to human size, but measure and re-scale.
12.7.2021. Added also a cracked horn as someone asked for it, as it is also used in agent of asgard.
15.7.2021. Someone asked for model that would act be more like a crown and worn without having a string. I added a files "holder" and "loki_male_holeForHolder" for that purpose. Basically, the "holder" is meant to be placed on the holes, so it should be wearable and more sturdy that way.
21.7.2021. Included three larger holder types. '
27.7.2021. Added files where the emblem is separated from rest. They are located under the zip file.
!!! Due multiple people not noticing, the separated emblem is in the zip file called "7-2021", with other emblem parts. !!! |
holder.stl |
holder_extraLarge.stl |
holder_large.stl |
holder_medium.stl |
loki_horn.stl |
loki_horn_mirrored.stl |
loki_male_holed.stl |
loki_male_holeForHolder.stl |
loki_male_noHole.stl |
male_horn_cracked.stl |
separated_body_withHoleForHolder.stl |