Makita 18v To ShopVac Vacuum Adapter 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: gx,obj,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Makita 18v To ShopVac Vacuum Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (gx,obj,stl) file type, size is 606.9KB.


I needed to make an adapter for my Makita 18v tools and my Shopvac - never done this before so please be kind.

Here for you to use (I've tried to include EVERY file type - more on this can be seen here

The link has a screen shot of the slicer settings - they may help as well.

Makita_to_ShopVac.gx 2.5MB
Makita_to_ShopVac.obj 27.2KB
Makita_to_ShopVac.stl 50.9KB