The file 'Makita 10.8v (BL1013) Battery Connector 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 19.83 KB.
This is a battery holder (including clip) for Makita BL1013 10.8v batteries - the kind found in a whole range of Makita hand-held products.
Just print, get 2 thin spade connectors (or sheets of metal), glue them in the holes (align them with a battery clipped in), and you can use your Makita drill batteries for whatever you want.
Why do you want this? 10.8v batteries will run most 12v things pretty well. I put a power jack on to the end of mine and use it for:
In the pictures I've replaced the dead 9.6v NiCd battery in an old drill of mine with the battery connector, and I can now run run it off Makita Lithium batteries.
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