Magnetic Levitation | Easy To Make 3D Printer Model

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I'm thrilled to unveil my new 3D printed Levitation device! How crazy is that? It's possible and actually not too difficult to make. I really had a lot of fun with this project and I am so happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it!

Please watch the video because it helps to see the assembly. Thank you for watching!

MOSFET IRFZ44N N-Channel Jameco #669951
Hall Effect Sensor A3144 Unipolar Jameco #1718701
4x AA Battery Holder Cover & Switch Jameco #216187
Neodymium Ring Magnets 9.5x1.5mm (Or any small strong magnet)
Magnet Wire AWG 30 (aka Enamel Wire)
Steel Screw 4x15mm Philips head
1K Resistor (Brown, Black, Red)
Mini breadboard 25 tie-points

Print the spool holders very slowly since the walls are thin. When put together with the screw, they will be stronger. You could always use glue if they break.

Notes: Be careful and don't leave this unattended or on for more than a few minutes. The coil does get warm. Be safe and have fun!

Lev_ALL.STL 145.6KB
Lev_Arm.STL 25.9KB
Lev_BatteryHolder.STL 15.7KB
Lev_BreadboardHolder.STL 6.1KB
Lev_Loop.STL 4.4KB
Lev_Spinner.STL 30.6KB
Lev_spoolBottom.STL 29.2KB
Lev_SpoolTop.STL 33.3KB