Uses the magical power of magnets to hold 3mm or 6mm (1/8 or 1/4 inch) sheets down to bed of laser cutter. Thin enough to clear the Z-axis height probe if you have one. Strong enough to hold down warped material (arrange material so the highest part is on the outside edge).
There are two sides 3mm / 1/8th inch high, and two 6mm / 1/4 inch high. Place this appropriate side over the material being cut.
8 of these is enough for any job.
Fits the common 1.26" neodymium magnets. I used these:
The magnet should just barely miss contacting the bed. It will be difficult to remove if it touches the bed (especially the thicker magnets, or if the bed is solid).
Cut from 3mm hardboard or MDF.
Glue together with wood glue. The overlap is marked on the middle piece. Take a look at the photos to make sure it's overlapped correctly.
There's a hole in case the magnet needs to be bolted in, but then it won't clear the Z-axis probe.
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