The file 'Magnetic Hinge-less Pokeball Remix 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 3.3 MB.
I'm having troubles getting the pictures to load, i gotta click expand photo and then click "view original" to be able to see it, IDK if its just my internet, but if you have troubles viewing, do the same.
I remixed the pokeball by Intentional3D because my hinges were always breaking on me and the pieces had small gaps from my printers surface finish without sanding and i though combining them into 2 halves would make it easier on my printer.
I used 8 4.5mmx4.5mm magnets from to glue inside and they are pretty strong, i filled a pokeball with as many dice and change as i could and picked it up by the top half without it separating. its easiest to glue in all the magnet of one half and then the other, glue the button into whichever half suits you. and the blank or bottom piece can be printed twice to make a whole blank pokeball.
Thank you Intentional3D for such cool pokeball files, they're my favorite on the internet, hope ya like the remix :)
PS. sorry to the 31 people who downloaded before i double checked the files, i had the normal sized button labels xl and the magball top had on inner part to rest the magnet on, it should be fixed now and buttons labeled correctly.
For regular pokeball print 2 of the magball80Mk3 files and one button 80
For Great,Ultra, and Master ball, print the top halves and for the bottom use the files xl_magball_blank,
Very sorry, that was a rookie mistake on my part lol
For EDH MTG commander + Dice holder i used the regular sized pokeball and took my saudering iron with the leaf tip to melt a wide slot that would hold the commander in the hard plastic card protector.
button80.stl |
buttonXL.stl |
greatball_copy.stl |
greatball_part2.stl |
Magball80mk3_1.stl |
masterball.stl |
Stand100.stl |
Stand_black_80.stl |
ultraball_part2.stl |
xl_magball_blank.stl |
xl_ultraball.stl |