M8 Hex Propeller Tightening Tool 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'M8 Hex Propeller Tightening Tool 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.6KB.


It helps to easily tighten propeller on the motor with locknut without scratching this locknut or need to carry a wrench with you.

It works great for FlexRC Owl quadcopter: https://flexrc.com/product/owl-3-frame/
with DYS 1306 4000kv motors: https://flexrc.com/product/dys-bx1306-14-4000kv-cw/

m8_hex_wrench.stl 11.8KB