M Prime One is an open 3D printer intended to be simple, low-cost and easy to build and use.
With the M Prime One, we have designed a 3D printer focusing on three main points:
- Free design. The printer have been designed from scratch in a free 3D software: FreeCAD. All the files have been published under the less restrictive license we have found (CC BY 4.0). This way anybody can download the files, modify them and use them for their own purposes.
- Simplicity. The design has few different parts (for example, cold bed, 4 motors, just two types of screws and one type of radial bearings) in an effort to reduce building complexity, cost and maintenance.
- Documentation. Apart from the files, you can find the printer firmware, list of materials, slicing profiles... in this repository, receive support in our Q&A site and soon read the complete assembly manual.
- Printing surface: 200x150x150mm.
- 1.75mm bowden extruder.
- Compatible with any hotend with 12mm diameter mount.
- Magnetic bed, easy to place and remove.
- Auto-level system with inductive/capacitive sensor.
- Cable management integrated in the design
- Integrated electronics holder (compatible with RAMPS or SAV Mk1, can be adapted to other boards)
- Optional LCD holder (compatible with Smart Controller)