Final Note: Specs for CG, Weight, and dimensions are currently being finalized. They should appear on this webpage and be updated on the discord sometime within 1-2 weeks.
Alerion-L1-VersionB.stl | 134.8KB | |
Alerion-L2-VersionB.stl | 120.8KB | |
Alerion-R1-VersionB.stl | 134.8KB | |
Alerion-R2-VersionB.stl | 120.8KB | |
Avliable_Wing_Types.txt | 747.0B | |
BallastBox.stl | 5.1KB | |
build-videos.txt | 1.1KB | |
Cover.stl | 781.1KB | |
Elevator-L.stl | 156.7KB | |
Elevator-R.stl | 179.6KB | |
excel-shopping-list.txt | 259.0B | |
Fuse-1.stl | 959.8KB | |
Fuse-2.stl | 1.0MB | |
Fuse-3_Version1_5_Inch_Propeller.stl | 1.7MB | |
Fuse-4.stl | 481.1KB | |
Fuse-5.stl | 513.6KB | |
Fuse-6.stl | 642.8KB | |
helpful-resources.txt | 570.0B | |
HStab-L.stl | 179.3KB | |
HStab-R.stl | 177.3KB | |
LW-PLA_CAUTIONS.txt | 838.0B | |
Motor_Mount_10_Deg_12mm_X_12mm.stl | 95.0KB | |
Motor_Mount_10_Deg_16mm_X_16mm.stl | 93.7KB | |
Motor_Mount_12x12_mm_PETG_or_ABS.stl | 55.9KB | |
Motor_Mount_16x16_mm_PETG_or_ABS.stl | 49.1KB | |
Motor_Mount_5_Deg_12mm_X_12mm.stl | 96.7KB | |
Motor_Mount_5_Deg_16mm_X_16mm.stl | 95.7KB | |
Motor_Mount_7-5_Deg_16mm_X_16mm.stl | 95.6KB | |
Motor_Mount_7-5__Deg_12mm_X_12mm.stl | 96.2KB | |
readme.txt | 1.1KB | |
RubberBand_Mount_Replacement_Long_Arms.stl | 96.7KB | |
RubberBand_Mount_Replacement_Short_Arms.stl | 96.7KB | |
Rudder.stl | 299.3KB | |
STL_LW-PLA_Weights.txt | 829.0B | |
VStab.stl | 432.3KB | |
Wing-Center-VersionB.stl | 770.1KB | |
Wing-L1-VersionB.stl | 770.4KB | |
Wing-L2-VersionB.stl | 802.2KB | |
Wing-L3-VersionB.stl | 597.4KB | |
Wing-L4-VersionB.stl | 1.6MB | |
Wing-R1-VersionB.stl | 770.4KB | |
Wing-R2-VersionB.stl | 802.2KB | |
Wing-R3-VersionB.stl | 597.4KB | |
Wing-R4-VersionB.stl | 1.6MB |