Logitech G25 Quick Release Adapter 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-ND
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Logitech G25 Quick Release Adapter 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 673.6KB.


This Thing is a Work-In-Progress

Logitech G25 Quick Release Adapter

One Main Base boss
One orginal wheel
One 70mm boss
One 74mm boss

All you need is a Quick bike seat clamp that is 34,9mm and some m5 bolt and nuts and m3 for det main base to make it stronger if you print that one thats have 3 holes in the mitdle

74mm_centercup.stl 88.9KB
Logitech_G25_centercup.stl 468.6KB
Main_base_hub.stl 396.9KB
Main_wheel_hub.stl 120.1KB
Main_wheel_hub_2_x_Button.stl 192.7KB
Main_wheel_hub_forced.stl 233.6KB
Wheel_boss_70mm.stl 267.6KB
Wheel_boss_74mm.stl 189.3KB
Wheel_boss_orginal.stl 214.6KB