Lm8uu X Carriage With Fan Mount For Prusa Mendel 3D Printer Model

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File formats: scad,stl
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Slight change to Greg's excellent x-carriage.

1, I broke at least 2 x-carriages while trying to insert the bearings (I didn't warm up the holders first) So i change the holder design a bit to let the bearings slide in easily, then i added 2 build-in ziptie channels to the holder themselves.

  1. Added a belt_socket_offset variable to allow changes to belt-socket alignment. 0 gives Greg's default which fits Prusa's new (felt branch) x-ends nicely. You may want to increase it to something like 10 (guesstimate only) if you are using the original prusa x-ends.
gregs-lm8uu-holder.scad 3.0KB
gregs-x-carriage.scad 8.0KB
gregs-x-carriage.stl 777.5KB