Linear Potentiometer Slider/fader Case 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,3mf,f3d
Download type: zip

The file 'Linear Potentiometer Slider/fader Case 3D Printer Model' is (stl,3mf,f3d) file type, size is 267.4KB.


Slider case in different sizes for common 75mm (60mm travel) B103 linear potentiometers.

Fusion file to generate different amounts of sliders integrated and generated models for 1-5 sliders.

Needs M2 ~4mm screws for potentiometers.

bottom.stl 25.7KB
bottom1.3mf 8.3KB
bottom2.3mf 7.6KB
bottom3.3mf 7.6KB
bottom4.3mf 7.6KB
bottom5.3mf 7.6KB
Slidermodule.f3d 154.1KB
top.stl 51.8KB
top1.3mf 9.0KB
top2.3mf 11.0KB
top3.3mf 13.4KB
top4.3mf 15.7KB
top5.3mf 18.0KB