The file 'Light Pre-Choctaw Little Bear Creek-Type Projectile Point Arrowhead, 2,500 BC 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 5.6MB.
The wonderful thing about 3D printing technology is that it allows you to create replicas of rare, unusual and educational items that you may never be exposed to otherwise. Like this one.
This is an early Archaic projectile point lithic called the Little Bear Creek point, which dates from 4,500 3,000 BP (2,500BC to 1,000BC). This particular light-colored arrowhead is attributed the ancestral proto-indians of the Choctaw tribe, and was excavated near the Tennessee River in Western Tennessee.
Item(s) are currently curated in the Department of Anthropology, Indiana University South Bend. Scanned with NextEngine scanner. Please contact Darryl Ricketts ([email protected]) for proper attribution if used in any other manner than personal, or if you have any questions.
Please note that is is highly illegal to excavate or remove Native American archeological resources from State, local, or private lands throughout the United States; Please don't do it! Help protect these archaeological resources. If you find any such remains or items or have any questions on Federal laws, please contact a local professional archeologist.
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Bear_Creek_Point_Light.stl | 13.1MB |