Made a few changes and fixes to the light house models by josemivaz and johnesc (thanks guys!).
I modified the light part to hold a 3 LED tap light. With this light (cost about $1.50, takes 3 AAA batteries) you get an impressive amount of light even in a fully lit room.
I made the clear windows thinner and modified the top to fit the thinner window piece.
When I printed the balcony piece made to fit a piece of filament I found a gap between the center tube and the base, so I eliminated the gap and the modified piece is here. My printer uses 3mm filament which wouldn't fit, so I made the rail with some left over elastic string from an earlier project.
Printing the whole lighthouse at 100% took about 50 hours in total, but it's an impressive model.
This was practice for an end of the year student project to make smaller models of some real lighthouses ... coming soon.
balcony.stl |
clear_windows.stl |
lid.stl |
light_holder.stl |
top.stl |