UPDATE [23/05/18] Here are some instructions for printing - even I'm starting to get a bit confused over the large number of files haha :)
-Files for 50cm Static Replica-
'IG_ForearmFIXED' (Split and low-res versions also available for smaller printers)
'IG_HandFIXED' (Fist version also available)
'IG_ThumbFIXED' (Fist version also available)
-Files for Wearable Glove- (Will require scaling as files are same size as the static replica)
'IG_ForearmForGlove' (Split versions also available)
-Additional Files-
The stones work for all versions of the hand piece, however remember to take note of the scale of the hand piece if printed at a smaller scale.
'IG_BaseFIXED' also works across all versions of the gauntlet.
'IG_BaseAoUvariant' is an alternative base inspired by the Age of Ultron post-credits scene which holds the gauntlet at a more horizontal angle.
Thanks so much for all the support! :D
UPDATE [04/05/18] A fist option has been added, along with a split version of the forearm. An alternate stand has also been added, which was inspired by the post-credits scene from Age of Ultron.
UPDATE [03/05/18) The fingers, thumb and palm files have been hollowed out so they can be mounted onto a glove. These files are the same size as the rest so additional scaling will be required (unless your hand's 50cm long!). These files have 'ForGlove' at the end of their filenames.
UPDATE [02/05/18] Some files weren't slicing properly so they have been converted into watertight meshes. These new files have 'fixed' at the end of their filenames.
Few days late but it's finally done!
The gauntlet's default size measures at around 50cm tall (not including the base) which I believe is the same size as the Marvel Legends replica. When making the infinity stones, I would recommend casting them in a clear and glossy material like resin so that light can shine through.
The model was created in Blender, using reference images mainly from both the Marvel Legends, and Hot Toys replicas.
I also have not printed this file myself just yet, so please let me know if you have any issues. :)
ForearmSeparatePartsMain.stl |
ForearmSeparatePartsWristL.stl |
ForearmSeparatePartsWristR.stl |
IG_BaseAoUvariant.stl |
IG_BaseFIXED.stl |
IG_BlueStone.stl |
IG_ForearmFIXED.stl |
IG_ForearmForGlove.stl |
IG_Forearm_Lowres.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split1.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split1ForGlove.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split1_Back.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split1_Front.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split2.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split2_Back.stl |
IG_Forearm_Split2_Front.stl |
IG_GreenStone.stl |
IG_HandFistFIXED.stl |
IG_HandFIXED.stl |
IG_HandForGlove.stl |
IG_HandForGlove_NoStones.stl |
IG_HandNoStones.stl |
IG_IndexFingerFixed.stl |
IG_IndexFingerFixed_V2.stl |
IG_IndexFingerForGlove.stl |
IG_IndexFingerForGloveWithFront.stl |
IG_LowerThumbForGlove.stl |
IG_MiddleFingerFixed.stl |
IG_MiddleFingerForGlove.stl |
IG_MiddleFingerForGloveWithFront.stl |
IG_OrangeStone.stl |
IG_PinkyFingerFixed.stl |
IG_PinkyFingerForGlove.stl |
IG_PinkyFingerForGloveWithFront.stl |
IG_PurpleStone.stl |
IG_RedStone.stl |
IG_RingFingerFixed.stl |
IG_RingFingerForGlove.stl |
IG_RingFingerForGloveWithFront.stl |
IG_ThumbFist.stl |
IG_ThumbFixed.stl |
IG_ThumbForGlove.stl |
IG_ThumbPlateForGlove.stl |
IG_YellowStone.stl |
IG_YellowStone_Updated.stl |
InfinityGauntletFistSolidNoStones.stl |
InfinityGauntletSolid.stl |
InfinityGauntletSolidNoStones.stl |