LG Wing 5G 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
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This is my model of the LG Wing 5G. When assembled, this model can swivel open and closed exactly like the real phone. I modeled these components in Autodesk Inventor. The internal pegs and the middle holes in the guide plate and the screen are for two magnets to hold the screen closed.

LG_Wing_Camera_Array.stl 33.9KB
LG_Wing_Drawing_Rev_2.pdf 205.6KB
LG_Wing_Frame.stl 24.7KB
LG_Wing_Hinge_Guide_Plate.stl 24.5KB
LG_Wing_Outer_Rotator_Lock.stl 18.8KB
LG_Wing_Rotation_Center.stl 20.7KB
LG_Wing_Screen.stl 15.3KB