This is a 3D model of the "Coilhead", a fierce and unpredictable enemy you will likely encounter, when scavanging the remnants of secluded and abandoned factories or mansions in the galaxy, for scrap to sell to "The Company". It is only able to move when you´re not looking at it. Always watch your back once you printed it!
I suggest you print the "coilhead cut" file and replace it´s neck with a suitable spring. I used a print bed spring i had lying around.
i might paint my print in the future but I somehow like the look of it as it is.
This model was made in Blender, by Bini. Watch his video on Youtube how he created not only this model but also a Bracken model, Jester model and realistic player model.
Have fun printing!
coilhead.stl | 12.8MB | |
coilhead_cut.3mf | 3.7MB |