The file 'Lenovo Thinkpad E14 Cooling Spacer 3D Printer Model' is (stl,txt) file type, size is 3.2KB.
These brackets can be clamped under the Lenovo Thinkpad E14 to help a bit with cooling and it gives you a slighty angled Laptop arrangement.
It´s not perfect but gets the job done just fine...
Scaling might be required, since Blender works in mysterious ways or I am just dumb but the real measurements are:
X-Axis: 82.15 mm
Y-Axis: 15 mm
Z-Axis: 14.8739 mm
It might not hurt to get some thin rubber at the Bottom in order to avoid slipping
Lenovo_v2.stl | 8.9KB | |
README.txt | 257.0B |