Lego Maxifig Girl Braid Hair 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl,3mf
Download type: zip

The file 'Lego Maxifig Girl Braid Hair 3D Printer Model' is (stl,3mf) file type, size is 158.9KB.


Remix without the pillars so it's actually usable. Works on the Lego Maxifig file if you scale the Maxifig down 50% - otherwise, scale up the braid to twice as large.

Use good supports when printing. I wasn't able to fill the hole in the back of the braid, but you can fill it post-print with a little patience.

Braid_hair.stl 104.2KB
Braid_hair_v1.3mf 116.6KB